Additional Bibliographic Information:
Topical term or geographic name as Keyword:
Sri Lanka |
Topical term or geographic name as Keyword:
Civil War |
Topical term or geographic name as Keyword:
Identity |
Topical term or geographic name as Keyword:
Memory |
Topical term or geographic name as Keyword:
Trauma |
Classification number:
305.629 LUK |
Place of publication, distribution, etc.:
New Delhi |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc.:
Lukmaan Book House |
Date of publication, distribution, etc.:
2015 |
xiv,493p |
Other physical details:
21 cm |
Summary, etc. note:
Clouding the Crescent in Sri Lanka is an illuminating examination of the complex relationship between majoritarian Sinhalese nationalism and the country's Muslim minority, the largest such community in South Asia. The book explores the historical, social, and political factors that have shaped the dynamics of this relationship and traces the rise of extremism and violence in recent decades.
Through in-depth research and analysis, Clouding the Crescent sheds light on the underlying tensions and grievances that have fueled mistrust and conflict between the two communities. Author Harees Lukman delves into the role of political leaders, state policies, and societal attitudes in shaping the discourse and policies that have impacted the lives of Sri Lankan Muslims.
The book provides a comprehensive overview of major events and incidents that have contributed to the current state of affairs, including the anti-Muslim riots of 1915, the post-independence era, the civil war, and the rise of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), a hardline Buddhist nationalist group. It also examines the impact of international factors, such as the global war on terror, on the local dynamics of Muslim-Sinhalese relations.
Clouding the Crescent is a timely and important contribution to the understanding of inter-communal relations and the challenges faced by minority communities in South Asia. It provides valuable insights for policymakers, scholars, and anyone interested in the complexities of identity, religion, and nationalism in contemporary society. |
Purchase price:
LKR 910 |